APII specializes in digital transformation services in IT and Cybersecurity, including automation, on premise, cloud, data analytics and risk assessments.  We, design, implement, and operate technologies that protect and empower your business.    Serving the needs of the Enterprise, SME/SMB and not-for-profit, we are an innovative, resource-ready Security Forward Technology Firm Headquartered in Toronto.       By working with businesses we love, we're the proactive difference, offering industry leading knowledge and experience when and where you need it most.    We're apii - and we're proudly happy !

    What is the Dark Web? Am I Protected?

    The Dark Web

    Are you protected from the Dark Web?

    Few people have visited the Dark Web or even know much about it. However, we should all be aware that data can be stolen and end up there, unbeknownst to us. This is a common risk facing companies that have a lot to lose.   
    Your clients trust you with their confidential information, such as credit card details. It’s imperative that you take all possible steps to protect both your data and theirs.
    So what exactly is the Dark Web?

    It's a vast array of internet sites that are hidden from traditional search engines like Google. The Dark Web is the most anonymous and private area of the internet, allowing criminals to act without fear of getting caught. 

    The Dark Web can be the gateway to an organization.

    Imagine that your passwords are sitting on the Dark Web right now – for anyone to see. Or that your customer’s data is breached and sold. The damage to your reputation can be severe. 
    Major Canadian companies like Telus and Bombardier have been hit by data breaches in recent years. While attacks on smaller companies don’t make headlines, they do happen frequently. In fact, these small- and medium-sized firms are more vulnerable since they may work with IT firms that lack security expertise and are not Security-Forward.

    Here are some of the scams perpetrated on the Dark Web:

    • Information, such as passwords, personal details and company data can be posted or sold. This could include bank account or credit card numbers that thieves can use to access money.
    • Tax documents such as T4 slips may be available. Fraudsters use them to submit fake tax returns to get a tax refund – before the real taxpayer files.
    • Cyber criminals engage in identity theft by creating fake forms for financial institutions. When a customer enters their personal information, the scammer can open bank accounts or get loans in the customer’s name. 
    • Ransomware criminals can freeze your digital assets and databases – demanding payment be made to release them

    Apii is a Security-Forward IT company that keeps you safe. Our goal is to protect you and prevent your company data from appearing on the Dark Web or being otherwise exposed. 
    At apii, we follow a three-step process to enhance your security: 

    1. We conduct an initial consultation to learn more about your data security and understand potential risks.
    2. We evaluate your current security by running tests and determining areas of vulnerability.
    3. We secure your business so you can focus on growth. 
    To learn more about becoming IT Security-Forward, send me a email info@apii.com or call 416-639-1441. 

    Are you protected? Click here for a free dark web scan
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